Monthly Archives: October 2013

Almost half of automation sales in Asia

In order to help businesses better understand how to take advantage of the current climate and increase their industrial automation sales in Asia, particularly China, the CC-Link Partner Association (CLPA) is hosting a seminar entitled ‘Gateway to China’. The event … Continue reading

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Affect your salary – analysis of the salary data

Within the U.S., the highest paid region is the west south central (south), with an average salary of $120,750, which is a $4,180 increase over last year. The lowest paid region is the east north central (midwest), with an average … Continue reading

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Automation At Remote Sites

For industrial applications, such as oil and gas, power and energy, and water and wastewater renewable, accessing data in real time and keeping network links up and running is critical. More stringent security requirements, such as EPA and NERC, must … Continue reading

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machine vision has its challenges

Color machine vision has its challenges. Systems can produce three times the data (or less than one-third the resolution) of a monochrome camera solution. Color can introduce more potential sources for imaging errors, more complexity, more cost, and require careful … Continue reading

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Operational Benefits: Significant advantages included: A single prioritized view of well operations Real-time analysis capability for production data Real-time feedback on well performance Improved production and forecasting accuracy Quick implementation as available out-of-the-box Easily supportable and maintainable monitoring solution Conformance … Continue reading

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