Automation At Remote Sites

For industrial applications, such as oil and gas, power and energy, and water and wastewater renewable, accessing data in real time and keeping network links up and running is critical. More stringent security requirements, such as EPA and NERC, must also be supported as the network continues to evolve. Additionally, an integrated firewall that provides stateful packet inspections, as well as filtering of IPs via access control lists or NAT, is needed to avoid new threats.

More specifically, it is necessary to have integrated user firewall configuration rules that restrict the type and duration of access to authorized individual, user-based permissions and encryption of data to provide adequate security for business-critical applications.

Keeping a closer eye on these infrastructures is necessary not only to prevent loss of revenue, but more importantly, loss of life. Unfortunately, however, networking with remote sites to proactively prevent equipment degradation is far from an easy task and may even require a four-hour helicopter ride. In order to proactively monitor and control remotely located assets, users must be able to access local sensor data. The most cost-effective and intelligent way to do this is through cellular automation.

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